Thursday, December 17, 2009

salam maal hijrah to all my fellow muslim/muslimat out there

i'm sure all of us know already what does hijrah means, but do give me the chance to at least define it. maal hijrah is an important day for islam followers as it indicates an important event that happened in history of islam. it is a day to recall the migration of our beloved prophet, nabi muhammad s.a.w from mecca to medina and as a muslims, it is also a day of a new beginning for a new chapter of our life.

from my point of view, it is important for us to review back ourselves and analyze whether we are on the right track, track where it is govern by al-quran and as-sunnah. from there, we can determine what we should improve on in this new chapter of life. bear in mind, becoming a good person is not as easy as it seems to be because we will always be asses by several ways from our creator, which is our god,allah.

come my friend, from now on, we can start metamorphose into a better person. from a better person we can produce a better community and from a better community, a great nation is what we will get. i'm sick already living in this kinda so-called malaysia boleh country, we need changes.